Before Care - Tattoo
We need a great and smooth canvas (your eyebrow area) to achieve amazing results.
The eyebrow area needs to be strong, healthy, non-sensitive, and non-irritated. For best results the before care must be adhered to.
Here are our tips to prepare your skin for the procedure:
- DO NOT tweeze/wax/pick/perform electrolysis 7 days before the procedure
- DO NOT tan or have a sunburned face two weeks before
- DO NOT have BOTOX 30 days before the procedure
- DO NOT take Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Prenatal Vitamins, Nutritional Shakes, Hair Skin & Nail Supplements 48 hours before the procedure (they are natural blood thinners)
- DO NOT consume ALCOHOL 48 hours before your procedure (a blood thinner) numbing products will not work if there’s alcohol in your system
- DO NOT drink CAFFEINE on the day of your microblading procedure (thins your blood)
- DO NOT take any ASPIRIN or IBUPROFEN (Advil, Motrin) at least 48 hours before your appointment (they act as blood thinners)
- Discontinue Retin-A at least 4 weeks prior and avoid on eyebrow area 3 weeks post procedure
- Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 2 weeks prior
- DO NOT work out 24 hrs prior to your procedure.
- Discontinue Glycolics, Retin-A or Retinol products 4 weeks before the scheduled appointment.
- DO NOT use AHA skincare products close to the enhancement area 2 weeks prior to and after your procedure.
- If you've had any cosmetic surgical procedures done on the face area, please wait TWO MONTHS to fully heal prior to the eyebrow tattoo procedure.
- If there are any open wounds, pimples, bruises, or any other skin irritations on the area; please wait for them to be completely healed before attending the scheduled appointment.
Please contact immediately if rescheduling is necessary due to this matter.
- No facials or chemical peels a week prior to the scheduled appointment.
- If there are any exfoliation products at home, please use on the brow area a week prior to the appointment for the skin to take in the pigment(s) easily during the procedure.